As Design Application Engineer for Mixed-signal ICDevelopment you are responsible for providing design support andact as an enabler for IC development projects with focus on Analogand Mixed signal domain. If you are a broad-liner with expandedknowledge and like to support project teams across functions, wehave the right opportunity for you. Apply now and become part ofthe team - and part of the Infineon family. In your new job, youwill: - Work in the R&D mixed-signal IC design organization -Support R&D chip designers for daily issues related tomixed-signal IC development flow and related EDA software tools andmethodology (1 st level support) - Proactively consult chip designprojects to ensure proper and efficient usage of workingenvironment, software tools and related methodology - Collectapplication specific requirements to the design environment andprovide fast solutions (e.g. hot fixes) where needed - Trigger andtrack implementation of enhancements of the design environment toensure on-time availability for productive usage - Work closelywith internal software tool and methodology providers on improvingand developing new solutions - Promote new methodology solutionsand support the roll-out of these in design projects - Shareknowledge within the (IFX world-wide) "Design ApplicationEngineering Community" You are best equipped for this job if youhave: - A university Master degree in Electrical Engineering,Computer Science or equivalent - At least 5+ years of experience inmixed signal IC design/layout/verification or support - Programmingskills: Python, Perl, Tcl, SKILL (Cadence) - Knowledge of designlanguages: System Verilog and or VHDL - Strong experience withUnix/Linux and Compute Farm environment (e.g. Load SharingFacility/LSF) - Experience with mixed-signal EDA tools like Cadence(Virtuoso, Spectre, Xcelium, AMS-Designer, Genus, Innovus),Synopsys (DC, ICC) and Siemens/Mentor (Calibre, Solido) - Know-howin full custom layout design techniques will be an added advantage- Strong team playing and customer orientation skills - GoodEnglish skills with German as a strong plus We offer competitivesalaries and additional benefits based on your performance,experience and qualification. The employment is in accordance withthe collective salary and wage agreement for employees of theelectrical and electronics industry, employment group G-H (). Themonthly salary is paid 14 times p.a. We offer a higher compensationdepending on your expertise and skills. Contact: Mag. StefanieTriebelnig, BA, LinkedIn for driving decarbonization anddigitalization. As a global leader in semiconductor solutions inpower systems and IoT, Infineon enables game-changing solutions forgreen and efficient energy, clean and safe mobility, as well assmart and secure IoT. Together, we drive innovation and customersuccess, while caring for our people and empowering them to reachambitious goals. Be a part of making life easier, safer andgreener. Are you in? The central R&D organization "DesignEnabling and Services" (DES) provides the design environments(design-systems) to the different product development teams atInfineon. With leading edge design methods, complex building blocksand a wide range of product development services DES enablesInfineon's advanced IC development. This means the complete valuecreation chain from abstract system models down to the fullyverified product layout which ensures high quality manufacturingreadiness. At Infineon in Villach you shape the technologies oftomorrow and work in an international environment with more than4700 colleagues from over 70 nations. Your personal contributionwill be valued and appreciated as the cornerstones of our success.And all that in beautiful surroundings which guarantee a highquality of life. The City of Villach is located in the center ofCarinthia, Austria's southernmost province, in close proximity tothe Italian and Slovenian border. Living in Austria has manysocial, health-care-related and economic perks. The country'ssocial and health care system is among the best in the world andfor decades numerous international surveys have singled out Austriaas a particularly safe and wealthy country with a high quality oflife. Villach itself benefits from its status as a "small town",offering everyday living at affordable prices in an outstandingsetting. Find out what you like most about Villach and join us: Weare on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone. Thismeans we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone forwho they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environmentcharacterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and arecommitted to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities.We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant's experience andskills. We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you donot entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting. Pleaselet your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention tosomething in order to enable your participation in the interviewprocess. Click here for more information about Diversity &Inclusion at Infineon.