Organisation/Company: Medical University of Innsbruck
Department: Department of Vascular Surgery
Research Field: Medical sciences » Medicine
Researcher Profile: Established Researcher (R3)
Positions: Postdoc Positions
Country: Austria
Application Deadline: 12 Mar 2025 - 00:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 20
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
Tenure Track Position according to § 99 (5) Universities Act for Endovascular Surgery
at the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Medical University of Innsbruck (full-time position).
The Medical University of Innsbruck, located in the heart of the Austrian Alps, is the largest and most important medical research and education facility in the West of Austria. We currently teach and train over 3,600 students in seven Bachelor-, Master- and Doctoral Programs, most of them in medicine. A dedicated staff of more than 2,200 employees covers all relevant fields from basic research to clinical sciences.
We offer qualified candidates a position according to the § 99 (5) Austrian Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies (Universities Act 2002 – UG) and agreements based on rules laid down in a general contract for employees of Austrian Universities (`Universitätskollektivvertrag´) as announced in: Mitteilungsblatt der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck vom 12.06.2019, Studienjahr 2018/2019, 45. Stk., Nr. 177. More details in English are available upon request.
Your Profile
* PhD or comparable qualification relevant to the field of vascular surgery
* Excellent research and publication activity in the field of vascular surgery
* Potential to head an independent scientific research group
* Experience in the conception, acquisition and management of third-party funded research projects
* Academic teaching experience as well as the willingness to get involved in teaching activities and their further development
* Willingness to participate in interdisciplinary and translationally oriented research in the field of vascular surgery
* Completed specialist training in vascular surgery, meeting the requirements for acceptance into the list of medical doctors of the Austrian Medical Association
* German language skills, minimum level B2 according to the European reference framework
* Extensive experience in endovascular surgery (e.g. Endovascular Specialist of the German society for vascular surgery)
* Experience in the conception, establishment and management of a research group focused on endovascular surgery
* Experience in the conception and management of prospective clinical studies as well as the coordination of national and international collaborative research projects
* Academic teaching and supervising students within the different university programs
* Establishment of a research group in the field of endovascular surgery
* Acquisition and management of nationally and internationally funded research projects
* Coordination of research projects of the Department of Vascular Surgery in cooperation with other institutions of the Medical University of Innsbruck as well as other national and international research partners
We Offer:
* a competitive start-up package including guaranteed annual base funding
* a varied and largely independent job in a highly attractive work and social environment in a most liveable city
* a dynamic research environment
* numerous further education and development opportunities
* support through central service facilities
* various attractive additional company benefits (including but not limited to excellent support through our service-oriented administration, childcare support, dual career consultation, and an inhouse pension fund in addition to the statutory social insurance)
The current position (full-time employment) commences with a 6-year contract based on a mutually accorded qualification agreement. If the qualification goals are met following a positive evaluation, the contract can be extended indefinitely with the job title of `associate professor´.
A salary based on group B1 (or A2 after fulfilment of a qualification agreement based on a positive evaluation) of the collective contract (`Universitätskollektivvertrag´) for Austrian university employees.
Non-EU citizens must fulfil the relevant Austrian legal requirements regarding residence and work permits.
Applicants are not entitled to compensation for travel expenses with reference to this tender.
The Medical University of Innsbruck is an equal opportunity employer. We seek candidates who embrace and reflect diversity and encourage minorities/women/individuals with disabilities to apply.
In case of inconsistencies between the German and the English versions of this tender, the legally binding version is the German one.
Further information about the Medical University of Innsbruck can be found on: