Committee Member, Women's Correctional Services Advisory Committee
The Minster for Corrections, Hon. Enver Erdogan MLC invites applications from suitably qualified persons for appointment to the Women's Correctional Services Advisory Committee (the Committee).
The Committee was established in 2003 to provide independent advice to the Minister for Corrections to inform strategic directions on issues impacting women in the corrections system and inform the implementation of gender responsive approaches to policies, programs, and services.
About the role
Committee members are non-government representatives with expertise, skills or knowledge in an area relevant to women in the corrections system, or experience with integrated service responses that support women who have been in contact with the corrections system. The Committee is made up of 10 members including the Committee Chairperson, meeting a minimum of 3-5 times a year with scope for further sessions if the need arises. The Committee is classified as a category C organisation under the Victorian Government Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines and members will be remunerated within the C classification range.
Who we're looking for
To be eligible, applicants should have appropriate knowledge or experience in one or more of the following areas:
* Women’s health and disability
* Children and families
* Family violence
* Housing
* Education and Employment
* Aboriginal communities
* Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
* Justice and legal advocacy
Members should ideally be comfortable drawing on and sharing a range of views that are personal to them and their life experience.