Do you want to participate in the excitingtechnological evolution of automotive electronics and autonomousdriving? Are you enthusiastic about forming and developing a teamof technical experts? Then we have an exciting opportunity for you:Join our diverse and international team as Director MicrocontrollerCentral Infrastructure Module Development and become part of ourautomotive success story! In your new role you will: Become thedisciplinary manager of a research and development (R&D) teamwith Concept Engineering and Digital Designers and FunctionalVerification Engineers to develop and maintain IPs and sub systemsfor Infineon''s Automotive microcontroller products (AURIX &TRAVEO) Make timely & transparent decisions that youcommunicate clearly throughout the organization and guide anddevelop your team to get the required work products produced intime, within budget, and quality Propose vision and missionaccording to microcontroller R&D blue book, strategy, andproject roadmaps shape the strategy to become and staybest in class regarding the worldwide semiconductor industry Define all roles and responsibilities (e.g. for VerificationsEngineer, Digital Designers, etc.) including typical escalationpath, and propose organizational structures and functions tosupport Infineon''s Automotive microcontroller strategy Collaborate with many other Centers of Competencies outside yourteam (e.g. Marketing, Chip Development, Validation, ProductionTest, etc.) and ensure good cooperation with third party InternetProtocol (IP) Regularly look ahead and drive innovation accordingto microcontroller strategy including investments in research andInternet Protocol (IP) pre development to mitigate technology andcompetency risks As a Director Microcontroller CentralInfrastructure Module Development, while striving for enhancementyou promote an awareness of quality within your team and workconscientiously on making things better, faster, and moreefficient. Furthermore, you have a good sense for profitablebusiness ideas, whereby you recognize opportunities, and futuretrends and drive innovation. About your team, you create anenvironment that offers sufficient space for people to expresstheir personalities and competency, trust your team members to dotheir share, and foster their potential for the long term. You arebest equipped for this task if you have: A degree in ElectricalEngineering, (Business) Informatics, Industrial Engineering, or acomparable field At least 8 years of experience in thesemiconductor industry with broad R&D experience in differentdepartments and disciplines and reliable people and projectmanagement experience The ability to understand business andproduct roadmaps as well as strong analytical skills to cope withhigh complexity and dynamics of technical and organizationalcomplex situations in the frame of the competitive automotivemarket Proven ability to sensitize your team for conscious riskmanagement and actively manage & develop team